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16 November 2023
Brussels, Belgium
“Towards the Green Future: The European Green Deal” Brokerage Event

Reimbursement Conditions

For Participants from TR


Etkinlik kapsamında sınırlı sayıda katılımcının seyahat masrafları TÜBİTAK tarafından karşılanacaktır. Etkinlik çalıştaylarından herhangi birinde sunum yapmayı ve ikili görüşme gerçekleştirmeyi planlayarak detaylarını paylaşan ve profillerini etkinlik özelinde eksiksiz dolduran katılımcılara öncelik tanınacaktır. Kontenjan kısıtı nedeniyle, aynı kurum, kuruluştan veya bölümden sınırlı sayıda kişiye seyahat desteği verileceğinden katılımcıların bu hususa dikkat etmeleri önerilmektedir. TÜBİTAK Ufuk Avrupa Seyahat Desteği Programı hakkında daha fazla bilgi için lütfen https://ufukavrupa.org.tr/tr/destekler/seyahat-destegi-programi adresine başvurunuz.

Etkinliğe yönelik TÜBİTAK Ufuk Avrupa Seyahat Desteğinden yararlanmak isteyen araştırmacıların başvurularını ikili görüşmelerin oluşturulmaya başlanacağı 10 Ekim 2023 tarihinden sonra yapmaları beklenmektedir. Seyahat desteği başvurusu yapılırken proje pazarı etkinliği kapsamında toplantı isteği gönderilen/kabul edilen kişilerin listesinin başvuruya eklenmesi gerekmektedir.

Detaylı bilgi için turkiyeingreendeal@tubitak.gov.tr ile iletişime geçebilirsiniz.

For Participants From the EU Member States & Associated Countries:

Hotel accommodation expenses might be covered by our project for selected participants who request accommodation and meet the criteria. Accommodation requests and travel reimbursement requests must be applied prior to the event, as for transportation:

Selected participants from EU states or associated countries might be eligible for a 50% reimbursement of their plane/train/bus fares, with a maximum reimbursement of 100 Euros. For instance, if the ticket costs 180 Euros, 90 Euros will be reimbursed, and for a 220 Euros ticket, 100 Euros will be reimbursed. TRANSPORTATION TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED BY PARTICIPANTS. It is essential that the participant's name and date are on the ticket. Tickets should be officially issued. Additionally, participants must physically attend the event venue to be eligible for reimbursement. Reimbursement will be handled after the event. Refunds will only be processed for intercity tickets  under the mentioned conditions. However, local transportation expenses are the responsibility of the participants, in accordance with the EU per diem limits.

The reimbursement process for selected participants' inter-city tickets (up to 100 EUR for eligible amounts) will be carried out after the completion of all financial approvals. The Project is not responsible for any transfer fees (interbank) that may arise during the payments.

Participants from WIDERA countries can apply for travel support provided by their funding agencies, which can amount to a maximum of 1000 Euros. In each WIDERA state, participants are required to apply to their country's relevant funding agency for this support. Participants who receive this support will not be eligible for reimbursement and accommodation support from our project. Detailed regulations for WIDERA countries can be found on the https://www.ncpwideranet.eu/tr... website.

Reimbursement Guidelines and Application Process:

Step 1: Who is eligible?

Researchers, academics, industry professionals, or policy experts who are based in states that are part of Horizon Europe (including Türkiye) could benefit from reimbursement for accommodation in Brussels and also have the opportunity for partial financial contributions towards travel expenses. Please review the Reimbursement Criteria below.

Step 2: Conditions

To be considered for reimbursement for hotel and travel costs, you must provide a meaningful and complete "Cooperation Profile." Your profile should outline your proposal idea within the chosen call topics and specify your preferred role as either a coordinator or partner. Your Cooperation Profile is a crucial component of your reimbursement eligibility.

Step 3: Timing and Template

Additionally, you are required to complete a presentation template based on your "Cooperation Profile" and submit it by October 30, 2023. You can download the event's presentation template via this link:  Presentation Template.

Disclaimer 1: The main mantra of this event is to establish new partnerships aligned with the Green Deal objectives and Horizon Europe calls. To be eligible for reimbursement, your proposal idea must respond to the event's overarching goals and be reflected in your Cooperation Profile.

The final selection of presentations will prioritize those most closely with the event's targeted topics.

Reimbursement Red and Green Flags:

No show to the event after reimbursement approval will result in the forfeiture of financial support for your travel costs.

Intercity train and bus tickets are eligible for reimbursement.

Transportation costs incurred using your own or rented car are not eligible.

Step-by-Step Application :

Step 1: Complete your Cooperation Profile on this website, if you haven't already.

Step 2: Download the presentation template, complete it, and upload it to your profile page.

Step 3: We have limited capacity for reimbursements, and we are seeking the most relevant and promising profiles and collaboration offers. Presentation evaluations will take place every Thursday throughout October on a "first-come, first-served" basis. We aim to notify successful presenters within one week of review.

Closed since 30 April 2024
Tangla Hotel Brussels
Organised by
Participants 541
Meetings 820
Türkiye 283
Belgium 46
Spain 30
Greece 25
United Kingdom 24
Germany 11
France 11
Portugal 10
Romania 9
Netherlands 8
Italy 8
Lithuania 8
Austria 6
Switzerland 6
Slovakia 5
Hungary 5
Ireland 4
Armenia 4
Poland 4
Ukraine 4
Israel 3
Latvia 3
Serbia 2
North Macedonia 2
Czech Republic 2
Croatia 2
Denmark 2
Norway 2
Bulgaria 2
Bosnia And Herzegovina 1
Malta 1
Colombia 1
Finland 1
Kosovo 1
Azerbaijan 1
Slovenia 1
Kazakhstan 1
Moldova, Republic Of 1
Albania 1
Total 541
Company 210
University 163
R&D Institution 59
Authority/Government 49
Other 39
Association/Agency 21
Total 541
Profile views
Before event 16164
After event 2003
Total 18167